Abstract submission > Submission guidelines

Format and deadline

We invite proposals for twenty-minute paper presentations on any topics related to the conference themes. Papers may be presented in either English or French. The conference will take place on site at different venues in Paris. Only in exceptional cases will talks be streamed into the lecture halls (without an online audience). Participation is free of charge.
Submissions are to be made via SciencesConf (https://ema-2023.sciencesconf.org/submission/submit) and must include the following information:

  • Name and, in case, institutional affiliation
  • Contact Information
  • Abstract (max. 300 words)
  • 5 keywords

The deadline for submissions is December 31st 2022. Abstracts will be selected by January 15th 2023.


Important note: To submit an abstract: Abstract submission instructions 

1. Create an account with sciencesCONF.

1.1. Go to the ema-2023 conference website: https://ema-2023.sciencesconf.org/

1.2. Click the “▾” button beside the “Login” button at the top right of the screen.


1.3. From the drop-down menu, select “Create account.”


 1.4. Fill in your personal information, select your preferred default language, and click “Create account.”1.4.png

1.5. You will automatically receive a confirmation that your account has been successfully created. Click “ok.”



NOTE: You may receive an email asking for you to confirm the creation of your account. (Check your spam folder!)


2. Log in.

2.1. Return to the main page (https://ema-2023.sciencesconf.org/) and click “Login.”

2.2. Fill in your login username and password and click “login.” 



3. Submit an abstract.

3.1. Select “My submissions.”



3.2. Select “Submit an abstract.”



3.3. Proceed with abstract submission.









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